CD disc recovery Software

Along with the increasing number of computer users who use CD disc to store data, more and more users begin to pay attention to how to recover lost data from CD. Generally, most of the computer users are not acquainted with CD recovery technology, so CD disc recovery software is the best solution for them to recover lost data from CD. Although CD recovery software is able to help us, choosing excellent CD recovery software is not easy, for there has emerged much software of serious function flaws because of the augmented demands for CD disc recovery software. That kind of inferior CD recovery software can not recover lost data from CD. Instead, it may damage lost data again, thereby reducing data recovery possibility; or even worse, the lost data become unrecoverable. In order to avoid downloading debased CD recovery software, we suggest users visit to download the free CD disc recovery software and use it to recover lost data from CD.

Recovering lost data from CD

After downloading and installing the powerful CD disc recovery software, please put the CD where data has been lost into computer driver. Then launch the software and we’ll see the following interface.

This is the starting interface of the CD disc recovery software. Please click the module earmarked for CD/DVD data recovery and then we’ll see the following interface.

We can see the CD. Select it and click “Full Scan” to scan it. Then we’ll see the following interface.

This is data recovery interface. We can see all data in the CD. Check the ones that will be recovered and then click “Save Files“. The following window will pop up.

Click “Browse…” to set save path for the recovered data. Then click “OK“. After all recovered data are stored to the appointed location, data recovery from CD is also finished completely.

Those above are all procedures about data recovery from CD. Seeing the demonstration, you may also have known how to recover lost data from CD. If you also encountered data loss problems on CD, please use this free CD disc recovery software to recover lost data.

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